2024: A Year To Savor

“Happiness is accepting reality and appreciating the miracle of the moment without getting lost in the craving for more.” – Yung Pueblo

By now, you know a word serves as an intention for me throughout each year. Choosing a word is not an active process; instead, it comes to me calmly, usually whispered on the back of a passing breeze.

2024 is going to be a year to SAVOR. 

Savor is about living in the present moment and sitting with whatever presents itself, whatever is. Savor isn’t just for the lovely, the beautiful, the feel-good – though I always find myself in abundance of these things. It’s also about befriending the sadness, holding hands with fear, and hugging the hurt.

Savor is about embracing the duality of life – the contrast that allows the mountain peaks to reveal their glory that much more because I walked through a valley to arrive there. 

Savor recognizes how far I’ve traveled to be here, right now, in this very moment. It sees all the deserts I’ve crossed, the scrapes, bruises, and broken bones, and knows there are many more vistas to behold. And likely more bones to be broken.

Savor reminds me to drink from the sweet waters of my own well. A well that never runs dry, full of love, joy, acceptance, and healing.

This is a year of going inward, even more than I ever have before, and slowing down to allow what is. Sometimes that will mean watching the sun rise and feeling its warmth on my skin. And sometimes, it will mean tasting the salt of my own tears, as I continue on this journey.

Most importantly, Savor has me looking around the bend of my own ego to see my life and others clearly. It brings me back to the center of me, allowing me to live in authenticity and freedom. 

So bring on 2024. I’ll be over here quietly soaking it all in.

[Photo: Taking a moment to savor a moment and live into my personal rule at Mammoth Mountain – always take a picture with Wooly –the mountain’s mascot – when I see him!]

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