A Year of Possibilities

2022 was my year of “Possibilities.” Within the first 6 weeks, I snowboarded 10 days, caught COVID, and tore my Achilles playing soccer. The latter two were not the Possibilities I hoped for, but set an unexpected rhythm for my year – one marked by slowness and spaciousness in every area of my life.

“Slow” was not in my vernacular pre-2022. I walk fast, I drive fast, I even type fast. But the message came in loud and clear: SLOW. YOUR. ROLL. I was forced to take life one step at a time, literally. 

My new rhythm allowed for sweet Possibilities like having my sister stay with me as I convalesced, learning the art of receiving and even asking for help, and, once able, dancing as often as possible (my favorite form of physical therapy).

I fed my need for adventure in non-Achilles-straining activities including stand up paddle boarding, mini trips to Baja, hot springing in Avila Beach, parasailing in Mazatlan, wine tasting in Santa Barbara, eating my way through Mexico City, and horseback riding in Tucson. I realize “slow” is relative 🙂

It turns out slow creates fertile ground for healing and leaning into my own belonging. Spaciousness allows for deep heart examination, rest, and mending.

I re-discovered the source of my soul’s nourishment has always been within, realized I am the best advocate for my own health, and learned a new language of emotional intelligence, thanks to Brene Brown. I accepted what is, allowed with joy, and opened my heart to sing and also to break – the signs of living full out.

While I look forward to complete healing and everything that makes room for, I plan to take the gifts of this year’s Possibilities with me into the new year and into the new me.  

I hope your holidays are restful, spacious, and allow for unexpected joys! Warmest holiday wishes and Happy 2023!

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