
“Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.” ― Helen Keller

One of my favorite places to sit and simply contemplate life is just south of La Jolla Cove, south of where the famous seals hang out. Earlier this year, I felt compelled to go, grab dinner, and enjoy sunset overlooking the ocean.

The breeze caressed the air. The seagulls played in the draft off their wings. From my perch, I couldn’t see the seals but knew they were enjoying their last moments of warmth on the sun-soaked rocks before retiring for the night. Near me, lovers enjoyed the view.

This particular afternoon, it seemed like the sun danced on the waves…or was it the other way around? It’s rays formed a path on the water to the earth’s end. It almost looked like I could walk on it to the glory of its setting.

Surely, sunsets over the ocean are the source of inspiration for many great artists. Maybe Rumi witnessed the miracle of a ball of fire sinking below the horizon, only to rise again in the morning. The limber reflecting open each individual wave – like snowflakes, no two are exactly the same.

There is rarely an event that happens so often – daily, in fact – that can inspire awe with each occurrence like a sunset.

The sky grew more orange as the sun prepared for its slumber. I was mesmerized. There’s a reason that particular moment of a day is called the golden hour. I said goodnight to the sweet sun, urging it to go shine its light on another part of this revolving rock. I thanked it for its warmth, beauty, and glory that day. For blue skies and tan lines. For glowing skin and parched lips. For the glow it left after disappearing behind the water so we can admire the view until night fully claims the skies and welcomes the moon.

It was glorious beyond measure. That view. That moment. This life.

[Photo: Sunset on the particular afternoon I am describing here.]

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