
Everyday, I wake up and engage in a morning ritual. I make a carafe of french press decaf, crawl back into bed, write in my One Line a Day journal, pen some things I’m thankful for in my gratitude journal, read, meditate, and write in a “regular” journal. Sometimes, I write short poems. I recently went through my journal from 2021 and picked out a few I especially liked. I hope you enjoy them!

Waiting for Change

You hold it in.

You wait.

You exhale.

You celebrate.

You grieve.

You give thanks.

You love.

You love.

You love.

The Well

If we want to love others well,

we must draw from our well,

take a sip of our divine being,

and recognize its sweetness.


There are no rules when it comes to my heart

She will do what she wants when she want

And protect herself in any way possible to stay safe

Then suddenly, she will open up and throw herself at someone new

Someone she feels connected to, unexpectedly, without reason

She is wild, free, uncaged, and so fragile at the same time

She is paradox defined


Freedom comes in many shapes and sizes

It does not look the same to everyone

It reveals itself when it needs

Inserts itself unexpectedly at times

And is forced upon others who have no desire for it

I wonder if every soul has the same need to be free

Or if some of us – like me – need an extra measure

Because we know we are hiding an extra pair of wings


I am standing in front of the universe

With open hands and open arms

Saying, “Let’s go on an adventure.”


Slow down

Don’t get sucked in

Find the balance


Then, take over the world

[Photo: Wall of clouds above San Diego Bay during a sunset flight]

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