Freedom Part 4

Freedom week represents many things to me, as I have written in past, related posts. This past year, the lesson I have been learning is freedom isn’t something I need to seek; it’s something to nurture in my own inner being.

It turns out there’s a lot of nurturing to do. The freedom to be my most authentic self, without apology, full of love, life, hope, and joy. The freedom to celebrate my natural proclivity towards positivity. To embrace my optimism about my future and this country’s future alongside a full awareness there is much to be done still. I am building freedom in the beautiful chambers of my kindness. I am learning to belong to myself more authentically than ever before. To embrace the best parts of me and the bits still healing, and count them all as good. To hold the tension of grief and gratitude, joy and pain as part of this human condition.

Freedom is not a destination; it’s a journey into the most authentic, deepest parts of myself. I travel its path with a slow stroll rather than a sprint.

So I celebrate Juneteeth and I celebrate the Fourth of July. Most importantly, I celebrate my own liberation – a continual work in progress. Because freedom is calling, and I am answering its ring.

Past Posts on Freedom:

[Photo: Celebrating the freedoms we have with friends.]

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