
“Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand and becoming comfortable with not knowing.” – Eckhart Tolle

Have you ever had to surrender the outcome of something you wanted? Throughout my life, and certainly the last few years, I’ve had to practice letting go in every area: relationships, work, trips, friendships and more. Without surrender, I experience disappointment from unmet expectations, anger that things didn’t go my way, or maybe even heartbreak.

This past week, I’ve had to practice surrender yet again. I launched my first online course and while I have goals for it, I am holding the outcome with open hands. It was a ton of work to put together but also one of the most fun things I’ve done. And whether 10 or 1000 people sign up, I know it’s what I was called to make at this time.

Along with surrender, comes recognition and pride.

I am proud of myself for creating something from scratch and bravely putting it out in the world. I’m celebrating the beauty of the creative process and how much joy I experienced throughout the journey. I am acknowledging my intuition and how it has led me to do what feels right versus follow the perfect launch “formula” (I mean, do you want to get an email every day for 7 days?? I don’t!)

Life is often a mystery. The path in front of me rarely leads me to where I think I’m going. Usually, though, it leads me somewhere much much more beautiful.

[Photo: On my solo road trip through the west coast of New Zealand a few summers ago, I was not only driving on the “other “side of the road, but I took a couple of wrong turns. Sometimes, they led to scenes like this , so surrendering to what was turned out to be a thing of literal beauty!]

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