Endings: Flourish Edition

To transform anything, we must experience it fully and love it just the way it is.” – Colin Tipping

My word for the year was supposed to represent planting and harvesting in every area of my life. Then 2020 happened and things took an unexpected turn (to put it mildly).  In addition to the collective things we’ve faced as a nation and the world, 2020 was marked by my Dad’s passing on Palm Sunday.  Flourish ended up being about grit and moxy: seeing what I was really made of when things were not ideal, testing my ability to show up with empathy and curiosity, and stay in the arena well past what felt comfortable. 

Truthfully, I’m grateful my Dad was spared living through months of lockdown in his assisted living facility and know he is free from his body’s protests of cancer, Parkinson’s and bipolar. Still, it’s a strange reality to know someone who shaped me profoundly is no longer here physically, though I sense his Spirit now and then, often as a whisper during meditation.

There is little I’m absolutely sure of in this life, but I know my most painful struggles have led to the greatest growth. Contrast is what allows me to experience true joy even in the midst of chaos. 

So while there is grieving, the contrast forces me to recognize the beauty that’s right in front of me: a healthy body, love in my life, community I am deeply grateful for, a successful marketing consulting business. I had breaks filled with adventure and fun including  snowboarding trips to Tahoe, Mammoth, and Copper Mountain (my first time riding in Colorado), hiking in Zion, tacos in Baja, camping in Borrego, and even goat yoga. I celebrated my Dad’s birthday on the top of Mammoth Mountain, my happy place (pictured). I was reminded of freedoms I often take for granted, found new joy in walks around my neighborhood, sunrises and sunsets, and picnics. Life took on a new wonder simply for the fact I’m living it. 

So, in 2021, I’m vowing to embrace more WONDER:  “The feeling you have when something wells up deep inside you and whispers, “Maybe more is possible than I thought.” (Harris III, The Wonder Switch

This season and beyond, may you experience the wonder of new possibilities and unexpected joys. Wishing you a peaceful season and happy and healthy 2021!

[Photos: top left – Squaw Valley, Tahoe; bottom left – Zion; top right – Anza Borrego; top bottom – goat yoga; center – top of Mammoth Mountain]

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