Stealing Joy

To transform anything, we must experience it fully and love it just the way it is. – Colin Tipping

Has anyone else noticed how early people (and businesses) are starting to decorate for Christmas? I saw a store that put out their Christmas goods before Halloween, several friends have put up their outdoor Christmas lights, a few have put up their indoor decorations (fake trees and all), and this past week, I saw an Insta Story of my goddaughter and her younger sisters (and dad) in their Christmas onesies.

In a normal year, I might find this over-the-top, but in 2020, I am celebrating the early arrival of holiday merriment. With the year we’ve had (and we still have a few weeks left), we have to steal joy wherever we can. And if that means busting out the Christmas decor on October 31, then I say “let heaven and nature sing!”

Here are a few other ideas for how to steal joy during these last few weeks of 2020:

  • Find gratitude in the grief – I know, I know – easier said than done, but this has the ability to rewire your brain. Think of 5-10 things you can be thankful for about something you would not have preferred. (I did this after my Dad passed away and it was powerful.)
  • Be generous to someone who can’t pay you back – whether it’s paying it forward at your local drive through or donating to a cause you deeply believe in, studies show that generosity can help reduce stress and increase happiness.
  • Give yourself a break, literally and figuratively – it’s been a tough year and we need to practice some self-care. Take a nap, watch a cheesy Netflix holiday movie, carve out time to read that book you’ve been wanting to pick up, or go for a drive by yourself. Taking time out will remind you rest is a critical component of wellness.
  • Reflect on the good in you – write down all the things you’re proud of about the year, such as things you accomplished. Need some inspiration? How about keeping your children alive, maintaining a routine, starting a new one, or trying a new recipe. No matter how small, it’s important to remember we control at least one thing –  how we show up on any given day.  So let’s celebrate the days we show up as our best selves.

After all, there’s a lot to be said about accepting what is while creating our own version of reality in the midst of chaos.

If you have any other ideas for stealing joy this holiday season, I’d love to hear!

[Photo by Fabio Porta on Unsplash]

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