Dangerous Woman

Go further. Don’t be afraid. Put it all out there. Don’t leave anything on the floor. This is who I am. This is where I’m from. This is my mess. This is what it means to belong to myself. – Viola Davis

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to worry less and love more? I have been attempting to practice something lately: allowing with joy. It looks like letting what comes into my life come, without judgement or fear. Without trying to control it or explain it. Without making excuses for it or blaming anyone, including myself.

From COVID to personal circumstances, it’s something I am trying and often failing at. Still, I keep going knowing that practice will make somewhat-perfect.

As I delve into this new way of being, I realize a key ingredient is the view I hold of myself. When the old lies of “not enough” start showing their ugly faces, I have to remind myself of my new truths: I am more than enough. I have more than enough. When I am compassionate with myself first, I have more compassion for others. When I treat my body well by fueling it with nutrients and giving it proper rest, it lets me easily move around the world and do the things that bring me joy.  All of this allows me to allow.

To be honest, my goal is to get to a place where I love myself so much I am a force to be reckoned with.

Where moments of doubt, ego, comparison are so rare they completely take me by surprise. Where I do everything out of love, and nothing out of fear or obligation.

The good news, ladies – and I’ve heard this from older, wiser women too – the older I get, the better I am at this loving-myself-business. I am learning to lean in, care less about what others think, practice grace and gratitude, and give myself permission to be the best version of myself, even if it doesn’t fit into anyone else’s mold or expectation.

With each passing challenge, each passing failure, and each passing year, my heart softens unto itself. It’s starting to see its own beauty and call it forth.

And then watch out world – because there’s almost nothing I can think of more dangerous than a woman in love with herself.

She might not make herself small to make others comfortable. And consider it a compliment when called ambitious. She might say no to fitting into a stereotype. And look at other women with only love and respect. She might fight off bullies and challenge the status quo. And even run a company or run for President.

Indeed, a woman who really sees herself and likes what she finds is a marvel the world needs more of. So, go find some dangerous women to be around and then work on being one yourself!

[Photo: Just a few of the dangerous women in my life ;)]

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