
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” – Abraham Lincoln

I don’t know how else to describe this time other than a freakin’ emotional roller coaster. One minute, I’ll be fine, focused on the positive, believing the best will come of all of this, and the next minute, I am hit hard by the tragedy around me and in my own life heightened by isolation and quarantine.

As an Enneagram Type 7, my MO is to totally avoid all the negative things and disproportionately focus on the positive. I’m not blind to this (anymore). Both because of and irregardless of COVID-19, there has been bad. And hard. And ugly. There’s no denying this. 

Then there’s the fact that we can’t give each other hugs, which has to be one of the most unexpected tragedies of this whole crisis.

Despite it all and more than ever, I believe in the depths of my soul that we will come out better after all of this if we let ourselves. A friend asked me specifically what I thought would be three positive outcomes of COVID-19 and I answered him this way:

1. After all this isolation, people will realize we are super connected and dependent on each other – we’ll see an increase in kindness, generosity, and love in action towards one another and the planet.

2. People will have had time to evaluate their own lives, take stock of what’s really important to them, and do some self work and spiritual healing. This is what will help catalyze #1.

3. Creativity and innovation will rise from artists, leaders, inventors and those willing to keep moving instead of staying in fear, creating the next big shift in how we do business, are governed, and more.

Today, I would add a fourth: hugs. We would hug each other more often.

During this time, we get to be “Yes, and…” people. We get to show up as the best version of ourselves, even if it’s only to the person looking back at the mirror. We get to lean into the messiness of life and let the pain pass through us.

Because I believe that gratitude is the key to unlocking our creativity. Generosity can free our souls. And kindness can rule the world.

No matter where you are or who you are, no matter if you’re sailing through this time, grieving a loss, or wrestling with your own demons, know that you are seen, you are known, and you are loved. And I’m sending a million virtual hugs your way.

Some good news to share:

  • Mortgage relief for Californians (From Assemblyman Todd Gloria): Governor Gavin Newsom announced mortgage relief for Californians impacted by COVID-19. Wells Fargo, U.S. Bank, Citigroup, and JP Morgan Chase have all agreed to a 90-day grace period on mortgage payments for those impacted by COVID-19. Another 200 banks within the State have also committed to forbearance. Additionally, late payments will not be reported to credit agencies for those taking advantage of this COVID-19-related relief and financial institutions will not initiate foreclosure sales or evictions for at least 60 days. There is no income requirement, but property owners will have to provide evidence that they have been affected by COVID-19.
  • The Senate has passed a bipartisan $2 trillion Coronavirus Relief Bill that includes resources for healthcare facilities, an increase in unemployment benefits, small business assistance, emergency education funding, and cash assistance for those who qualify.
  • In addition to SBA loans, Facebook is offering small business grants

Other resources (from Congresswoman Susan Davis’ office):

[Photo by Vonecia Carswell on Unsplash]

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