New Normal

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us fear, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

A week ago, I had never heard of the terms “social distancing” or “flatten the curve.” A week ago, schools were still in session and restaurants and bars were still open for business. People still commuted to work and stores still had canned goods and toilet paper. Friends gathered without a thought.

As we navigate through all the uncertainty we’re facing, I keep trying to find the balance between being wise and not living in fear. My guess is that it will get a little worse before it gets better. Many experts are telling us that we should plan for a longer new normal than we are currently planning for.

I don’t struggle with anxiety, but would be lying if I didn’t say this hasn’t caused some. I’ve already had a retainer client let me go because the funding they need will be delayed until after the markets recover. On Sunday, I learned that my dad has a mass in his liver where his metastasized colon cancer was before he went into remission. I owe a sizable amount in taxes this year (hoping the government will defer these!), and least of all, my extroverted heart is withering a little each day.

So many I know finds themselves in similar, unknown circumstances. My neighbor had back surgery this past Monday and is now recovering at home. A dear friend is having a fourth surgery on Friday for mouth cancer. A friend in the travel industry got laid off this week.

We’re not sure what will happen and each have something else complicating an already stressful situation.

The surprising thing I’ve learned in the past 5 days that I will remember for the next 5 years is the power of human connection and the resiliency of the human spirit.

Unlike any other crisis in our lifetime, we know we are all in this together. It’s not “us” supporting New York or Houston or Paris. It’s all of US supporting all of US. We know that the best thing we can do to help ourselves is be generous to others where possible.

There are friends who have checked in and offered their help should I need it. Businesses are giving free consultation sessions to nonprofits about how to fundraise online and to small businesses about how to set up remote employees. People are offering to deliver meals to those who need them. My friend’s daughter’s elementary school collected food for families who rely on school meals so they could give it out to families in need.

Yes, there is fear and people who will show their worst, but there is also hope and joy, creativity and innovation. There will be a tomorrow where we laugh together and dance together and break bread together again. I don’t know when that tomorrow will come, but I know I believe in the power of US in the meantime.

[Photo: Girls’ group on our annual trip last August in New York. We text daily, are doing group Zoom hangouts, and make each other giggle.]

p.s. If you feel lonely or isolated, please reach out – there are people who want to connect with you including me!

p.p.s. If you’re looking to donate money and not sure where, my sister who is working with the WHO (World Health Organization) to spread the word through Facebook influencers put together this list for me:

1.WHO + United Nations Foundation: The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fundraiser supports WHO’s global efforts to track the outbreak, help patients and frontline workers, and speed up vaccine and treatment development.

2. The CDC Foundation plans to launch a fundraiser in the coming weeks to directly aid public health responders in local communities, create education campaigns and much more but it’s not live yet.  
Facebook is doing $10 million matches for both of these first two.

3. People should also check with their local governments to help their communities. For example, Los Angeles has the L.A. Emergency Fund through the mayor’s office.

4. A lot of people are donating to local food banks or going through Feeding America.

5. Finally, people can donate to their favorite live arts organization to help them stay afloat as well, like one of my favorite live music/comedy venue is asking for donations.

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