
“Any place is sacred ground, for it can become a place of encounter with the divine Presence.” –David Steindl-Rast

In Guatemala, I found sacred space. Holy ground. The presence of an ancient Mayan culture that connected deeply to my Indian ancestry. An invitation to return further to my true self: free, wonderful, loving, kind and full of possibility. A call to shatter the black and white and step further into the grey – a place that is starting to feel more and more like home.

I went to Antigua for a mindset retreat as part of the business coaching program I’m in. I thought I was going to continue the healing my heart. Instead, it brought something different than I expected: expansion. Maybe they’re the same thing. Regardless, I now see my potential to love, spread light, and carry the torch of joy as limitless. And if this is true for me, it’s also true for you, dear reader.

When Jesus said he came to set the captives free, I have a suspicion that he knew we had to start with our own souls.

When we are connected to the great I AM, we can stop striving so relentlessly and simply rest in who we are and who we are becoming. We can surrender the need to control to make things “just so.”

Our eyes can be opened to our innate ability to liberate ourselves out of self-induced suffering at any given moment. To allow the present moments to unfold without manipulation or resistance. Either beautiful with celebration or challenging with learning. Both for our growth. Everything for our benefit.

“Romans 8:28” in Sanskrit*

More than ever before, I am convinced everything is working out for our good. I have a freakin’ tattoo to remind me of this so it’s something I already hold with a strong conviction.

The work is working. It’s setting me free to surrender, accept, release, heal, and expand.

Of course, I will forget this learning at times. I will try to hammer my star-shaped life into a round hole. And I will be challenged.

My greatest hope is that I return to this learning sooner than I used to. That I quickly see how I have the life I want here and now as I simultaneously hold space for the future I am joyfully putting effort towards.

And when I’m my best, truest self, I know I see it all as beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Just like the land of Guatemala.

*Romans 8:28 – “So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose.” (TPT – The Passion Translation).

[Top photo: at the Cerro de la Cruz in Antigua, Guatemala. Bottom photo: the “Legendary” business coaching tribe]

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