
“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living; we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” – Richard Rohr

In this journey of finding my true self and returning to it, I am concurrently realizing how far I’ve come and how far I have yet to go. The self defense mechanisms that constantly try to wrap their protective arms around me are slowing loosening their grip, but then tighten again at the sign of any perceived threat. The passive aggressive tendencies that falsely feel good in the moment are revealing themselves as unworthy companions. The emotional compartmentalization that has allowed me to keep putting one foot in front of the other in the darkest hours is slowing opening its doors to allow the light in.

More than anything, I am becoming more aware of how I want to show up in this world. In friendship. In love. In work. For myself. Am I kind? Consistent? When shit hits the fan, am I still being the best version of me? And when I mess up, do I extend self compassion and forgiveness? Am I practicing embodiment – that is, being who I am meant to be in the world? 

To feel grounded in this, I’ve been creating mantras each month that I read in the mornings. They’re like battle cries against a world full of negativity and pain and suffering that help usher in strength and power and beauty. 

My favorite and the one that encompasses the rest is this:

Show up.

Live into your values.

Be your best self. 

It reminds me to take up the space I’m meant to while allowing me to serve the world in the unique way only I can. To fully embody who I am created to be. And to see that it’s glorious.

[Photo: Hiking an easy trail in Zion last weekend, thankful for an able body that moves freely.]

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