
When I chose ONWARD as my year for 2018, I wasn’t sure how it would manifest itself. It turns out it still involved travel, adventure, and time with my people.

There were firsts like experiencing the champagne powder of Japan and hiking the Narrows in Zion to wine tasting in Baja and celebrating a friend’s 40th birthday in Colombia.

There were new babies and weddings, sitting with friends through times of sickness and loss, and the practicing of new disciplines like meditation.

There was a letting go of things that no longer served me and the ushering in of more intentional times of rest and solitude.

There were seasons of famine followed by seasons of feasting.

It was not a year without heartache, but it was beautiful in its messiness. A reminder that grief and gratitude can occupy the same space in our hearts if we allow them to.

Through it all, and probably because of it all, it was a year of learning, healing, and growth. 

During these holidays, I pray you are filled with the joy of the season and the hope of new beginnings.

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