
Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

I became a U.S. citizen when I was 19. After having lived here for 12 years, my parents and I went through a naturalization process that included a written test, in-person interview/exam, and swearing-in ceremony. They literally played Lee Greenwood’s I’m Proud To Be An American* at the LA Convention Center, where I stood among immigrants from all over the world. It was a proud moment, and I was especially excited to have the right to vote.

Today, people all over our great land have the chance to express their opinions at the polls. It won’t matter what your frenemy posts on Facebook or what Aunt LouAnn says at the family dinner – everyone (who’s eligible) can let their voice be heard through a ballot. No debating or vitriol. No name calling or judgement.

Because voting, ironically, is done in silence. What really matters is how loudly our lives speak.

Don’t misunderstand me, I’m not saying that voting doesn’t count. It is one of the most incredible freedoms we have in our democratic Republic, and certainly there are legal issues that we should care about. But maybe more critical at this point in our country’s history is how we love others: to not stay in our bubbles but instead intentionally reach out to people who aren’t like us; to watch the tone of our conversations regardless of how vehemently we might disagree; to stand up for injustice and protect the rights of those who can’t fight for themselves; to quote the words of Jesus and mean it.

So regardless of what happens after today, let’s start with the common ground that we are all human and fragile. Let’s look for the things that unite us, no matter how minute. And let’s be more than just citizens – let’s be civil servants to one another.

*Lee Greenwood’s song is actually titled God Bless The U.S.A. which I didn’t know until I tried to look up “I’m Proud To Be An American.” There you go.

[Photo by Markus Gjengaar on Unsplash]

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