I’m Still Here, You’re Still Here

I find wonder in a lot of things: sunsets, snow falling, the way babies laugh when you make a silly face. But one thing causes more awe for me than the most beautiful landscape: the resiliency of the human spirit. I see it all around me. From friends who have lost parents or children, sweet souls battling cancer, fighters recovering from sexual trauma or addiction, it is something to be marveled at.

Through it all, and maybe because of it all, we have an invisible pull to get back to something truer. Something more authentic. A version of ourselves that is the real us. The people we were meant to be.  Like a boomerang that is designed to return to the origin of where it was launched into the universe, we are drawn back to our real centers.

I think very few people would argue that they have arrived at some magical destination of self awareness and awesomeness. In fact, the more emotionally intelligent we become, the more the depth of our brokenness tends to be revealed. It’s nothing to be ashamed of – it’s to be acknowledged, smiled at, and then deconstructed and examined before some form of rebuilding begins. This is the art of returning to our true selves.

And while life continues to prove to be short and precious, I am reminded that today – and more specifically, this very moment that you are reading this – is a gift. Something I often take for granted, but a gift nonetheless. This existence will throw us all kinds of mess, but we can choose to inhale one breath at a time, focusing on the grace, love, and serenity that a simple pause can provide.

So, regardless of whether life smells like roses right now or you feel like you’re in lowest of valleys, may you be reminded that you are resilient. Something to be marveled at. A beautiful survivor. A creature just trying to return to their true self. And I hope that you recognize it as a wonder-filled journey.

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