This Is Me

Hi, I’m Rachel. I’ve rarely thought of myself as a writer, but here I am with a blog, so I guess it’s time to start embracing that title. By day, I’m a business sherpa who loves my job because I get to help leaders and their organizations maximize their impact at the intersection of brand, marketing communications, and culture. It’s pretty damn fulfilling, to be honest.

By night, well…I’m an Enneagram Type 7, so the world always feels like my oyster. From snowboarding and globe trotting (sometimes at the same time) to trying new recipes and picking up my guitar in rare moments of inspiration, listing my interests would just look like I have multiple personalities. 

That’s me in a nutshell, but I’ll leave you with this quote from one of my favorite writers, Anne Lamott.

“I was learning the secrets of life: that you could become the woman you’d dared to dream of being, but to do so you were going to have to fall in love with your own crazy, ruined self.”

Thanks for taking the time to read my thoughts on love, loss, and the world at large. This life is beautiful and messy and wonderful and full of heartbreak, and I’m still learning to embrace it all. I hope you leave this site feeling inspired, encouraged, and like the world is your oyster too.